subject: [Bell-Swiss]

"Quickly forgetting for the disaster, thus Belarusians made free the territory from death to new life". Valancin Akudovic

"There was no war which was conducted for those things that people know, but there were a lot of wars for what they believed. True, there will always be something that is impossible to know but one can only believe". Beat Gloar

Volha Hapeeva "When Swiss clock is stopping" \ Pierre Helg "Minsk is a city of the unique country" \ Andrej Fiadorcanka "Bonaparte's Baby" \ Ilma Rakusa "Minsk. Red Shoes" \ Madlen Ray "Word tandem: in a journey with words" \ Taciana Kirylenka "A Melody on a print" \ Alberta Kun "At the end of tango" \ Beata Gloar "Swissland-Bealrus: there are two of us" \ Dzmitry Dzmitryjeu "9-uhr-tages-art" \ Interviews with Jauhen Karniah, Rusia, Nikol Matis \ Peter Biksel "Reading unintelligible" \ Novels by Brygita Sher \ Poetry by Ilma Rakusa \ Poetry by Nora Gomrynger \ Sviatlana Aleksijevic about Chernobyl disaster \ Essay by Peter Egi \ Valancin Akudovic "Apocalypses which there wasn't"