special project: [Jewish pARTisan!]

"The whole history of the Jews lived in Belarus was fixed in some way, there were a lot of monuments in Belarus. But at the same time it still didn’t become as a full-fledged part of the Belarusian history, but rather as an ‘abstract’ story of Another, which is sometimes taken to remember, but not so much". Alaksiej Bratackin

Alaksiej Brataćkin — about the history of Jews in Belarus \ Jan Gerbert — about Polish Jews \ Poems by Izya Harik \ Alaksandra Bilevic "Virtual Poles look on virtual Jews" \ Alaksandar Karniejćuk makes the tour through the "Jewish" Minsk \ Piotr Forecki — about Jewish motifs in the Polish cinema \ Macviej Basaŭ remembers Israil Basaŭ \ Hanna Tenenbaum "Post-Jewish space" \ Krzysztof Bialauski "A Meter along Torah" \ Tamara Viarsyckaja "Jedish resistance on the Motherland of Ádam Mickiéwicz" \ Taciana Arcimovic — the facts of the history of Jewish theatre in Belarus \ Dzmitry Isajonak "A Run from a town" \ A Novel by Pavał Kasciukiević \ Remembers by Simon Hlazshtein \ Adam Głobus tells about Belarusian-Jewish writer of 1920-30s Majsiej Kulbek