subject: [War of cultures]

"If the wars between nations sometimes are stopped, the culture wars have not breaks. And so in these wars cultures were killed more than people were killed in the gun wars... If we ask why today most Belarusians do not identify themselves with the Belarusian culture, the answer is: because a lot of years the war Russian culture with Belarusian culture doesn't stop". Valancin Akudovic

Discussion "War of cultures" \ Maksim Zbankou "Homeland as a reverse challenge" \ Siarhiej Chareuski "Features were eliminated specially" \ Adam Globus "" \ Andrej Rasinski "Culture wars as a factory for the victims" \ Andrej Chadanovic "Book's War" \ Maryja Martysievic "Zhadan" \ Interview with Sergei Zhadan \ Misa Panin "Theatre of war's events" \ Interview with Kanstancin Sciesyk \ Joanna Varsha "Portrait of Katarzyna Kozyra" \ Interviews with Alherd Bacharevic \ Juras Barysievic "Portrait of Andrej Varabjou" \ Alaksandar Suskou "Forced reviews"