subject: [village]

"Years passed, Belarus upgraded (process of industry and urbanization), but the national myth remained embroiled in an abstract image of village that has long lost all its connotations - from cultural to social. In other words, almost from the beginning our national myth radically missed with the reality of life. And this factor, in fact, is a source of the most our current problems". Valancin Akudovic

Discussion about Village \ Seviaryn Kviatkouski "Archived file of Belarusian literature" \ Siarhiej Chareuski "Three pine" \ Maryja Martysievic "Woodland Chronicle" \ Ales Davydcyk "Sun on Plisa: New about Homeland" \ Taciana Biembiel "Cesler without Vojcanka. How is it?" \ Andrej Kudzinienka "Belarusian cinema: the search for authenticity in terms of colonial conditions" \ 5 Top of Belarusian village performances \ Interview with Zmicier Vajciuskievic \ Volha Sparaha "About Siarhiej Kiruscanka's project "Time Has Come to Deal with the Down-to-Earth Art" \ Interview with Taciana Zamirouskaja \ Taciana Zamirouskaja "Do laugh at pop?" \ Agnieszka Kulazinska "Women's Art in Lodz" \ Kaciaryna Sarokina "Portrait of Alaksandar Kulinkovic" \ Thoughts by Adam Globus \ Poems by Andrej Chadanovic