subject: [the Sun City of Dream]

"The city has heard that he will be bought by Martians, who for some reason call themselves as Assyrians. On the bought place with the palaces they are going to build the 35-storey glass towers in the form of huge phalluses. These towers they call hotels and, probably, only Assyrians-Martians will live there, because we know that long time nobody except them has been coming in the City of the Sun". Artur Klinau

Artur Klinau "The City of the Gods" \ Ihar Bajcou "The City of classical arcitecture" \ Interview with Anton Astapovic (Protection of History and Culture Monuments Society) \ Survey of the experts and citizens about the building of Kempinsky Hotel \ Interview with Ignacij Karpovic \ Kastus Carniec "The City. A Surface and an Explosion" \ Siarhiej Chareuski "Nights City" \ Siarhiej Chareuski "Minsk which we have lost" \ Interview with Uladzimir Papruha, an author of alternative project of old Minsk reconstruction \ Michail Aniempadystau "The City of Tree" \ Volha Hapeeva "On the ruins of own body" \ Andrej Chadanovic "zoom-zoom-zoom, or A Game with cities" \ Interview with Jan Mauzier \ Ina Batakova "A Copy of Non-Existent Reality" \ Volha Archipava "About Siarhiej Rymaseuski" \ FAQ: Mental Unbalanced State Theatre \ Liza Michalcuk "8 art-facts of Podzemka Gallery: 2008" \ Natalka Charytaniuk about the book by Siarhiej Chareuski "Pramoulenae"